Mathematics Department - Beliefs


To be a value – added department that provides every Hendersonian with a good Mathematical foundation for lifelong learning.


Through grounded practices and support, we develop resilient students with a problem-solving mind.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ode To The New Year

How has the new year been for you? If you are having a lethargic start to the new year, perhaps it's time to crank up your brains and get your pens moving. On another note, erasing past failures and drawing lessons from them are equally important.Without the insights gleaned from experiences, we might have to continually go back to the drawing board.

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." 
-- George Bernard Shaw

"The man who achieves makes many mistake, but he never makes the biggest mistake of all - doing nothing."
--Benjamin Franklin 

How has the new year been for you? If you are still holding to the past with your minds entangled on the what-ifs and whatnot, then it's high time to break the fetters holding you back. Let go. Let not the bad stumble you. Better still, let not good get in the way of better.

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."
-- Lyndon B. Johnson

How has the new year been for you? As we make baby steps towards success in 2014, the question to ask is, "How can we do better this year?"

"For we hear your living spirit calling, to excel in every way."

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