Mathematics Department - Beliefs


To be a value – added department that provides every Hendersonian with a good Mathematical foundation for lifelong learning.


Through grounded practices and support, we develop resilient students with a problem-solving mind.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Our yearly Math Trail took place on 5 March, which is the first day of GROW week. The aim of Math Trial is to enable students to apply mathematical concepts that they have learnt in school to solve real-life problems and to apply their creative and critical thinking skills.

This time round, we incorporated our math trail with our sec one learning journey where all students from Secondary One went on a walk around the Tiong Bharu estate to know more about the history and heritage of our neighbourhood. And of course, to LEARN and APPLY the mathematical concepts that students have learnt in the classroom.

During the event, students from 4 classes were separated into 5 groups to take on different routes to complete 10 pitchstops in the Tiong Bahru heritage trail. At each station, students will work in pairs to find the right answers for the questions found in their iPad's math trial mobile applications.

Some of the mathematics concepts students had to apply were:
Using angle properties to calculate the angles of a unique window grill in the Tiong Bharu estate; Calculating the diameter and radius of Seng Poh Garden to estimate the area. Etc.

 Students capturing their answers in their iPads.

 Students at Seng Poh Garden, Measuring the radius...

 .... and Diameter of the garden.

Students were busy pressing their calculators...

or using the calculator function in their handphones...

to find out that it is the "Monkey God" that guards one of temples around the neighbourhood.

Overall, this learning journey was a great opportunity for students to recap the theories learnt in class. More importantly, students came to realise how mathematics is so closely related to their everyday life. Everything around us has some "MATH" in them!

At the end of the day, we hope the new members of the Hendersonian family (Sec Ones) had fun and refreshed their memory/learnt some new mathematics concepts. :)

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