Mathematics Department - Beliefs


To be a value – added department that provides every Hendersonian with a good Mathematical foundation for lifelong learning.


Through grounded practices and support, we develop resilient students with a problem-solving mind.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Golden Ratio

Today, let's learn about the golden ratio. Phi, shown above, is the symbol that is used to represent the Golden Ratio. Phi is a constant, which means it represents a number, like Pi.

i.e. Golden Ratio = Phi = 1.61803....

How did this number come about?

The above shows how Phi comes about. Given an object of total length a + b, if it fulfills the above equation, then the golden ratio is fulfilled. To understand more about the equation above, refer to website and try out the "slider" function!

What is so fascinating about the Golden Ratio?
It has been known that if something follows the Golden Ratio, it somehow looks more beautiful and attractive. Let us be the judge of this by watching the following video:

After watching the video, decide for yourself if the person's face is more attractive because the golden ratio is fulfilled.

Golden Ratio in our surroundings
For the unobservant, the golden ratio is all around us as well. Here's an article on architects who have designed buildings around the golden ratio. Golden Ratio is especially prevalent in nature as well - read more about it here! If you have the time, head down to Lee Kong Chian Natural History museum for a closer look of the shells mentioned in the article.

People often link the Golden Ratio to the Fibonacci Sequence, so for the next post in our blog, look forward to learning more about the Fibonacci Sequence! For a sneak peek about the sequence, view the photo below :)

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