What is Sudoku?
Sudoku is a number placement puzzle game in which the objective is to fill in the numbers in the 9x9 grid in order that in each row, column and in each of the 9 3x3 block contain the all numbers 1 to 9 without repetitions.
Origins of Sudoku
Its origins can be traced back by as far as the 18th century where Leonhard Euler, devised a game where the numbers in a grid only appeared only once in both top to bottom and left to right directions. The birth of the Sudoku puzzle as we know it began in the 1970s when Dell Magazines began publishing puzzles with a 9x9 square grid using the same concept of Leonhard. The standard 9x9 Sudoku puzzle we are familiar with now was developed by Nikoli, a Japanese puzzle company, in the 1980s. Not only was the name Sudoku was given to the puzzle, they also refined the puzzle game by restricting the number of revealed squares and revealing them in a symmetrical fashion.
On 28 July 2009, about 90 of our students took part in the Preliminary round of the 2009 Sudoku Masters. From the competition, our students had tons of fun racking their brain and also brought back valuable experiences.
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